Special Issue: 10-Year Anniversary Edition

Neoliberalism: The New Patriarchy. A Literature Review

Barbara Oldale
Athabasca University

Published 2020-12-15

How to Cite

Oldale, B. (2020). Neoliberalism: The New Patriarchy. A Literature Review. Journal of Integrated Studies, 1(1). Retrieved from https://jis.athabascau.ca/index.php/jis/article/view/279


This paper describes how neoliberalism, in collusion with the historical system of patriarchy, dominates global systems and deters developmental progress and worldwide equality. It examines literature written by political economists, feminists, and psychologists, while using an archetypal framework to describe a higher norm derived from an Eastern philosophy, which could work to balance the systems of dominance which are destroying the possibility of global stability.