
Jennifer Andrea Naccarato

Jennifer Naccarato, B.A., graduated from York University in 2006. She is currently a MAIS student, specializing in Cultural Studies. Jennifer is passionate about creative writing and has focused a great deal on writing for personal development. In addition, her academic work often focuses on sustainability, green initiatives and corporate environmental responsibility. Jennifer currently resides in North York.

They eat, it’s cheap, it’s flesh and bone
Its life corrupted and DNA owned
By the man in the power suit and suit yourself

If you close your eyes and swallow sickness, swallow pain, swallow suffering
And swallow the fluid of the mother
Earth as she is raped again, again

Again, super size it, again fries with that,
Again, drop it in that deep fat fryer
We’re in it deep now!

Now is more,
We deserve more,
More fat, more food, more clothes, more cars

Look we are free,
Free to take with bombs, with murder, with exploitation
Free to take and cast it off

Off of the garbage heap of iPods, phones and plasma screens,
Off paper cups, water bottles and water waste
Off disposable razors, used condoms and empty pill packs

We cast our vote to be free to swap
His life for my coffee and hers for my gain
Free with a three year contract, and still they contract HIV

Who cannot seek medical care
Who have fetid water and have no food
Who work and toil for wages so scarce

It’s cheaper if you buy two
Buy three and it’s almost free
How do they make them so cheap?

I know and so do you, but that’s so far and you are here
Why should you care?
You work so hard in that office, on that computer

Computing how much longer
Before the boat is yours,
Before the new IKEA kitchen is yours
How long before retirement is yours

Your calculations kindly omit the price that does not have a noble face
The face of those who die for you
The face of sacrifice
That opens the gates of Future Shop on Black Friday

The face you have never seen but
Crucify him,
Crucify him,

But they have done nothing but suffer for you, and you, and you
Crucify him,
Crucify him,

But you know not what you do, nor whom you do it to
Crucify him,
Crucify him,

But you have decided and you are more than I
Crucify him,
Crucify him,

I cannot change your minds,
I can only show you
Come and See

See it will come to the empire too
And then you shall be last
At last you will see the beautiful face of Athena
That’s right the other one was not her

At last you will see that the things were things and poison things
What a thing
That you will be no more