~~~ Call For Submissions ~~~


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


We are looking for previously unpublished scholarly articles, narratives, poetry, book reviews, and visual art. The word count for articles is up to 8,000 words. Please submit to us anytime.
*Note: We have a new audio media category.

We are particularly interested in innovative projects, research, and reflective works that demonstrate interdisciplinary knowledge. We want innovative articles, research, and reflective texts that demonstrate integrated knowledge. The following topics, and in particular integrated approaches to them, will be considered: Adult education. · Canadian studies. · Community studies. · Cultural studies. · Educational studies. · Equity studies. · Global change. · Historical studies. · Information studies. · Literary studies. · Work, organization, and leadership. ·Writing and New Media. Independent approaches that are related to these topics or that explore the notion of Integrated or Interdisciplinary studies are also most welcome.

To learn more please visit this link: http://jis.athabascau.ca/index.php/jis/about/submissions

Call for Visual Art

We are always looking for artwork or photographs for both the cover and inside of the journal.


Are you a graduate student? Do you take photographs? Paint? Create digital art on the computer?


Consider us as a venue for publication.


Art Submission requirements:


  • 2 to 5 JPEGs or GIFs of original artwork produced within the last three years (2 to 3 different views of each work may be submitted for 3-dimensional art);
  • a list delineating each work’s title, media, size and date;
  • a brief statement (250 to 500 words) describing how your work relates to integrated studies; and
  • a brief bio.


Criteria for digital images:


  • 72 dpi with a minimum of 600 pixels on the longest side;
  • titled using the format 01_title_(yyyy) (please use two words of the title if it is too long).


If you are a graduate student at any university and your work fits our interdisciplinary, integrated studies focus, you are eligible to publish with us.